Monday, July 28, 2008

Neither here nor there

I'm on a roll here trying to clarify some things on my blog. So, after a (painful) dip into my infertility story, it's time to set the record staight as to my whereabouts on the globe.

I'm a true Torontonian, having grown up in a Brockton Village neibourhood before moving out to the surburbs. But my heart is in the Rideau Canal, not far from Brockville & Thousand Islands, where I spent my summers as a kid with sweet Uncle Joe & mad Uncle Armie, travelling up & down the Saint Lawrence River. I guess you can say I'm a mix of city girl and country bumpkin.

Here in Portugal I met the love of my life and my partner in crime on the long road to fertility. We've been married for nearly 19 years (holy shit!) and are the proud (& wacky) parents of a 7 year-old future Brad Pitt-look-a-like IVF little boy (bet you can't say that in one breath - love those noun phrases).

And just to add to the cultural cauldron, I'm an EFL teacher in a British school, with colleagues from English-speaking countries around the globe. We have Canadians, English (keep away from them when football's on), Irish, Scottish, South Africans, Americans, Australians, etc. You can just imagine all the fun when it's the World Cup.

Portugal is a great country to live in for many reasons (although the Portuguese don't always seem to think so) with lots of expat communities seeking the best this country has to offer. One being that it treats foreigners better than its own. But I do occasionally get homesick and, through this blog, I've learnt that more than missing home, I miss the happy places from my past. So, at the beginning of each week you get a blast from my past as I take a walk down memory lane with Monday Memory.

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