Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hanging on

Chaos has taken over my life in the last couple of weeks. But surprise, surprise I'm still hanging in there. Still trying to get used to my new position at school and busy as bee planning lessons for my one-to-one students. The problem with teaching students who seek English for specific purposes is that it entails a lot of reading and researching on my behalf, ie. business, media, etc. But I've never been known to turn my back to a challenge and, to be honest, I actually get a kick out of working under pressure. Induction week at school is just round the corner, so that means an extra workload with workshops to put together. Still not sure I made the right decision accepting this promotion, but I guess it's too early on to come to any conclusions. Gotta give it some more time I guess.

I had a very interesting experience yesterday. The board of my infertility association got together for a brainstorming session and it was creativity in action. What wonderful, caring people I work with. I feel so priviliged to be a part of this amazing team, better known as the A- Team.

The little guy had a wonderful start to the school year and is having a blast at school. As a mother, I couldn't ask for better. He loves school and has so much fun with his mates. I love hearing all about it when I pick him up. Man, he's growing up fast! How do you keep them your little guys forever?

And next week I'm back to a full teaching schedule, which means back to the old routine of lesson planning & teaching, together with new responsabilities. And not forgetting running around to pick up the little guy from school, letting him hang around my workplace till dad comes to pick him up to take him home cuz I'm still teaching at that time. Then running home so dad can go to teach night classes. It's a bit scary, but I think we'll manage.

Missed out on ICLW this month with all this chaos in my life, but will hopefully make up for that next month as "Iron Commenter". My apologies to all of the wonderful people who dropped a lovely comment on my blog and didn't get one in return. I feel like a bitch, but I promise to make up for that too.


Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Thank you for the update, it does sound very hectic. You are so not a bi+ch, please don't ever say that!!

nancy said...

Wow - that is a lot of work you have to do. I have so much respect for teachers.


alicia said...

oh wow, you are busy!!! I am sure you will work it all out! hang in there!

I missed out on ICLW too this month, didn't even sign up, just to sick! haha