Tuesday, February 24, 2009


We just got back home from celebrating Carnival at my parents' place (on the Spanish border), where we were greeted by a glorious spring day. The weather was as close to perfect as I could imagine. The little guy had a grand time dressing up as the "Mystery Musketeer". He had his heart set on being Zorro this year but we couldn't find a costume his size. Well, that's a lie. Truth is we couldn't find a cheap Zorro costume his size. I knew a local shop was having a clearance sale on costumes and told him that it was the only place in town where we could get the outfit. They were on sale for just 2€!!! No Zorro, so we settled on a musketeer costume instead. But to make up for my fib I got him a black cowboy hat and a Zorro mask, thus the Mystery Musketeer. I think he looked really cute and deserves an oscar for his performance today. We hit the medieval streets of my parents' town for the photo shoot. Hope you enjoy!

The grand entrance... (oops! no horse!)

Up to the castle to save the princess!

Fear not! I'll protect you, my lady.


alicia said...

these are great photos!

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Happy Mardi Gras Day! These are delightful, what a great costume! The town looks incredible.

bolinha de sabão said...

Um "Mosqueteiro Mistério"... as coisas que as mães inventam pra conseguir "dar a volta" às ideias fixas dos filhos! Hi! Hi!
Ficou bem giro!

Susana Pina said...

Que bonito o teu menino amiga. Obrigada por partilhares.
Bjs cheios de felicidade