Monday, May 4, 2009

Perfect Moment Monday

First of all, I owe you all apologies for not being back for so long. But it's the same old, same! work! work! My internet is back to normal and I'm connected to the world once again. Yay! I've been navigating the land of twitter (as Mel would put it) these last few weeks spreading the word of my Association around, trying to reach other people, other communities. And this is where my Perfect Moment comes in...

It was Mother's Day here in Portugal yesterday. Not an easy day for us IF gals! I remember all too well the pain and the emptiness associated to this day. Yesterday a darling friend of mine, Luís Filipe Sarmento, a Portuguese writer and poet, sent me, line by line via Twitter, a beautiful poem written specifically for this day, dedicated to all women in Portugal who are still struggling to become a mother. I was so touched by this incredible act of kindness and generosity. The poem, entitled "Hello mother, I'm not here yet", is posted on the blog of the Portuguese Fertility Association, and when I have a bit more time, I want to translate it to English and share it with you all. Here it goes in Portuguese:

Olá, mãe, eu ainda não existo
sou apenas o teu sonho de ternura
em busca da eternidade
Sei que me procuras com todo o risco
os teus dias são feitos de amargura
para que o destino seja natividade
Eu tenho um nome antes de nascer
e uma casa plena de afectos
para que, mãe, possas renascer
e eu seja o sentido
dos teus projectos.

Eu não desisto de ti, mãe
Sou apenas uma ideia quando olhas as estrelas
perdida no paraíso dos sonhos
Um dia serei alguém
a navegar nos teus braços como caravelas
no mar dos teus olhos risonhos
Eu sou o filho que te espera
no mundo desconhecido do além
farei parte de uma nova era
serei o filho sonhado de minha mãe.


Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

That is so beautiful.
Happy Mother's Day, I've missed you too!

Sheri said...

I will wait for the translation, but feel his gesture of writing and sending the poem (line by line via Twitter) to be so sweet. Truly a Perfect Moment Monday.

Lori Lavender Luz said...

Well, I can say it's a beautiful sentiment. With my scant Spanish, I can also tell that this man has a beautiful heart.